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An interactive, two-and-a-half day program designed for individuals who are new to the region, want a refresh on what's happening throughout our community or desire to dig into the Leadership Greater Huntsville experience through a smaller time commitment. Focus introduces participants to the challenges and possibilities our area faces through a fast-paced, immersive experience.

Focus classes typically represent our most diverse groups as this program appeals to all ages, professions, industries, and experience levels. With a common theme of servant leadership, Focus participants learn about our booming community through hands-on experiences and leaders from all across the region.

Applications are now OPEN for Focus 47 happening in November 2024.

Leadership Flagship (2)

Who Should Apply?

Anyone is welcome to apply for Focus! From newcomers to native residents of greater Huntsville, we know you’ll enjoy this fascinating insider’s look at our community. Classes include participants from diverse backgrounds and all sectors of the community. Busy executives, civic volunteers, retirees, small business owners, young professionals, and nonprofit leaders all participate in Focus on a yearly basis.


How Individuals Benefit
Meet and network with top local leaders. Learn how to get plugged into our community. Explore all facets of the community from our local economy, health care, local government, education, and much more!


How Your Organization Benefits
Focus is a great way to provide new employees a “crash course” on what greater Huntsville has to offer.
Valuable new relationships that often result in new opportunities, networking, and visibility for your organization.
Recognize and reward top talent within your organization.


Target Candidates: Anyone with enthusiasm to learn more about greater Huntsville and wants to take a more active role as a citizen should participate in Focus. Typically, participants range from newcomers to the community to long-time residents.

Wednesday, November 6th, 4-6pm
Thursday, November 7th, 8am-5pm
Friday, November 8th, 7am-4pm

*Focus will begin on that Wednesday in the late afternoon/evening. Focus will last the entire day on Thursday and Friday.*


Tuition: $1,600

  • Applications for Focus 47 (November 2024) are now open.
  • Applications for Focus 48 (Spring 2025) will open in January 2025.


Apply here for Focus Class 47! 


We offer this two-and-a-half day program twice per year, once in Fall and once in Spring.

Thank you to our Focus sponsors!


For more information, contact Focus Program Director: Katelyn Sides Baker, 256-339-6513.